The best way to wake up in the morning is with a cup of coffee

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So wake up and smell the coffee


When you wake up in the morning, it’s always nice to have something to look forward to. 


Whether that be a cup of coffee or some other form of caffeine, there is nothing quite like waking up with your favorite beverage in hand! If you are looking for an easy way to caffeinate yourself every day, here are some tips on how to get started.


  • Wake up at the same time every day.


  • Drink a cup of coffee before you get out of bed.


  • Brush your teeth after drinking your coffee.


  • Take a shower and wash your hair to wake yourself up completely.


  • Put on some clothes that make you feel good about yourself. 


  • Turn off all electronics in the house, including TVs, computers, phones, tablets etc., to avoid distractions when getting ready for work or school.


  • Eat breakfast – cereal with milk is perfect because it’s quick and easy but also nutritious and filling enough to give you energy until lunchtime!


  • When making toast for breakfast, put butter or peanut butter on both sides instead of just one side so that it doesn’t dry out as quickly.


  • Coffee is not only good for waking you up, it also has health benefits.


  • The best time to drink coffee is first thing in the morning because it will give you energy and make your day better.


  • You can make some great tasting coffee with just a little bit of effort.


  • If you’re looking for some new flavors or brands of coffee, check out this list of 10 Best Coffees For Your Morning Routine!


  • Remember that if you want to get the most out of your caffeine fix, don’t add too much sugar or cream – these ingredients will counteract all the benefits from drinking coffee!


Learn more about coffee 



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The Coffee plant, a tiny evergreen tree originally native to Africa, produces coffee beans, which are used to make what we know as coffee. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and its popularity has generated it into a $100 billion industry.

Coffee seeds are the seeds developed within the vivid crimson outer peel of a coffee cherry. Coffee beans are the seeds inside the bright red skin of a coffee cherry fruit, which grows on trees. Coffee is cultivated in over 70 nations and is a significant cash crop in over 70 others. Coffee is the world’s second most traded commodity after oil, and Brazil, Colombia, Vietnam, and Indonesia are among the planet’s largest exporters.

Coffee was first cultivated by humans approximately 800 years ago in Ethiopia where it was eaten as well as a healing plant. Coffee beans were originally utilized by Ethiopian shepherds to extend their energy for long hours of labor in the fields. Coffee became popular throughout the Arab world, despite being prohibited by some religious authorities because they felt it encouraged revolutionary thinking. Coffee was introduced to Europe in the 16th century, and from there, it spread throughout the continent. From 1615 until 1723, more than 30 books were published about coffee in Europe.  Caffeine, a stimulant found in coffee that made it a popular beverage, was discovered during this period.

In 1665, coffee was introduced to the New World through trade with Africa. It quickly became popular in America because of its stimulating qualities and was for a time the official beverage of New England. Coffee is grown on every continent where there is an elevation of 1500-2000 ft above sea level due to the fact that the Coffee plant only grows in warm climates. Coffee plants are often cultivated near the equator, where there is constant rainfall, moderate temperatures, and healthy soil. Coffee plants need a lot of water to thrive, but they cannot endure prolonged periods of standing water in their roots. Coffee plants start out producing bright red coffee cherries, which last approximately five months on the Coffee plant. Coffee cherries mature and ripen at various periods and must all be harvested by hand since they won’t ripe simultaneously. Coffee beans are classified and cleaned before being dried for 5-10 days. The Coffee beans are then baked at a high temperature and cooled rapidly to improve their flavour.

Coffee can be lightly or darkly roasted, and both processes result in coffee with distinct tastes and nutritional qualities. The flavor of coffee is determined by the type of roasting used. The amount of heat applied to the beans determines whether they are light or dark roasted. Light roast Coffee has nutty and somewhat fruity undertones, whereas dark roast Coffee has chocolate, caramel, and toffee flavors. Coffee is graded on a scale of one to ten, with most Coffee produced in Latin America grading at approximately nine.

To create different tastes, coffee beans from various nations are frequently combined. Coffee production is declining because yields per acre are decreasing as Coffee trees get older and less productive. Coffee trees may live up to 100 years, and coffee has traditionally been a labor-intensive industry. Coffee producers are working hard to produce Coffee in a sustainable way, ensuring that it will be available for at least another 100 years.